Waiting To Fade


Waiting To Fade

Come inside

See what it’s like to be barely alive

Visions of pain and death

Sorrows taken over there’s nothing left

The pain you caused has devoured my soul

Lost and confused rage taking control

Ashes falling from the sky

Flames burning illuminating nights

Burning for the past

Like everything beautiful the flames won't last

Restless nights

Darkened days

With no will to fight

Waiting to fade

Consumed with rage my hate is escaping

Decaying over time tired of waiting

Time to try to forget

Erase the memories of what I missed

As I sit in the dark staring at the night

My world turns black I’ve lost my sight

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WinterFrost commented on Waiting To Fade


Your profound nihilistic angst consumes this poem.

scrye commented on Waiting To Fade


So much pain for one so young. Its so good that you have your poetry to release some of your pain and bravo for having the strength to share it with those of us who care to read.

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

davoc’s Poems (11)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Echoing In Darkness 2
My End 1
Open Wounds And Frail Hearts 0
Waiting To Fade 2
Blind To Self-Destruct
Dark intentions 1
Apocalypse 1
Devious Exchange 3
Blatant Disreguard 2
Normally Neglected 3
My Realization 4