Blatant Disreguard


  • The World

    Blatant Disreguard

    Desperately searching for answers

    Secretly telling lies

    Does the truth really matter?

    What must we hide?

    Unable to communicate in our own families

    Are we all that busy?

    To not show our loved ones a little humanity

    We pray and say may thee forgive me

    Are you and me deserving?

    Fall to your knees and find out

    With all the people we’ve been hurting

    Do you think god wants us to be around?

    This desolate place used to be so beautiful

    We destroyed our gift

    Now were all so pitiful

    In a world that can’t be fixed

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    GreenGirl81 commented on Blatant Disreguard


    nice work again very deep! ; ) love it.............

    scrye commented on Blatant Disreguard


    I really liked the way you put your point out there, although i don't completely agree thats not what this is about. Great work and thought put together well. Good job keep it up

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    davoc’s Poems (11)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Echoing In Darkness 2
    My End 1
    Open Wounds And Frail Hearts 0
    Waiting To Fade 2
    Blind To Self-Destruct
    Dark intentions 1
    Apocalypse 1
    Devious Exchange 3
    Blatant Disreguard 2
    Normally Neglected 3
    My Realization 4