Echoing In Darkness


  • Emotional

    Echoing In Darkness

    Go ascend with stars forever

    In the dark is where I will hide

    I’m surrounded by despair

    And I’m haunted by the light

    In the shadows is a place I belong

    I hear the voices echoing

    When will they stop singing their song?

    When will the comfort sing?

    I’ve been excluded by humanity

    Hated for my beliefs

    I’ve been exposed to brutality

    When will the pain cease?

    I live in a place so desolate

    I just want to feel enamored

    I will never forget

    Your meaningless clamored

    But you still disgrace raving beauty

    I have an amazing heart

    Can’t you see it shine so beautifully?

    I look at the stars

    They are creatures of the somber

    As I roll with the wind

    Each day becoming stronger

    Until we meet again

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    CaelTaylor commented on Echoing In Darkness


    I love this one. I can see how much you simply desire love and acceptance simply for what it is worth, no complications. I am the same way, man. We always seem to be alone, but it is encouraging when I find out someone is feeling so similar to how I do. Your words express it all so well!

    angellv commented on Echoing In Darkness


    This is amazing. It made feel what you wrote. You did an awesome job writing this. I love the first line to the last.

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

    davoc’s Poems (11)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Echoing In Darkness 2
    My End 1
    Open Wounds And Frail Hearts 0
    Waiting To Fade 2
    Blind To Self-Destruct
    Dark intentions 1
    Apocalypse 1
    Devious Exchange 3
    Blatant Disreguard 2
    Normally Neglected 3
    My Realization 4