Dark intentions


Dark intentions

I’m looking through the inside
Trying to find realness
All things I hide
No longer exist
If yesterdays gone
And tomorrow doesn’t matter
How long will I live on?
I’ve been reduced and shattered
There’s nothing left to take
It’s all been stolen
What will be left in my wake?
I’ve been excluded and now I’m fallen
As light turns to dark
Day into stark
We all arise
We’re whom you all despise
We can’t be killed
A new world we will build
As we start to appear
Our intentions become clear
I have been given a chance
To get rid of you all
Take one last glance
Before we make you fall
It is time for are rebirth
We reign supreme
We rule this earth
So horrid think it’s a dream
But guess what it’s not
It’s time for you all to leave
That’s just the beginning of are plot
Does it seem real now do you believe?
As light turns to dark
Day into stark
We all arise
We’re whom you all despise
We can’t be killed
A new world we will build
As we start to appear
Our intentions become clear

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scrye commented on Dark intentions


ooo so very dark. I can almost see the place where you were when you wrote this. Good flow and i like that you were sending a message through this piece. Good job.

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

davoc’s Poems (11)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Echoing In Darkness 2
My End 1
Open Wounds And Frail Hearts 0
Waiting To Fade 2
Blind To Self-Destruct
Dark intentions 1
Apocalypse 1
Devious Exchange 3
Blatant Disreguard 2
Normally Neglected 3
My Realization 4