

  • Fantasy


    Walking down desperate streets
    Searching a deserted city
    Every town I reach
    Fills my soul with pity
    Evil consumes these places
    Empty hearts and wondering faces
    Struggling to see through the illusions
    Loosing my mind and gaining confusion
    Apocalyptic city lie in wake
    It’s kill or be killed no mistakes
    I’ll battle anyone who stands in my way
    Of making it to a new day
    Even you can’t match my strength
    Your history is complete but mine is blank

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    scrye commented on Apocalypse


    another good poem you have quite a bit locked up in there don't you? Keep writing you have really great work and i really enjoy reading them AND getting to know you better through them.



    Yeah there's quite a bit of me that no one sees except through my poetry

    Poetry is either something that lives like fire inside you or else it is nothing, an empty formalized bore around which pedants can endlessly drone their notes and explanations.

    Unknown Source

    davoc’s Poems (11)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Echoing In Darkness 2
    My End 1
    Open Wounds And Frail Hearts 0
    Waiting To Fade 2
    Blind To Self-Destruct
    Dark intentions 1
    Apocalypse 1
    Devious Exchange 3
    Blatant Disreguard 2
    Normally Neglected 3
    My Realization 4