Troubled Mind


  • Confusion

    Troubled Mind

    Troubled Mind


    By CyndiC


    I have a very troubled mind I do not understand

    I love you and find you so interesting

    But living with you I can’t

    I thought long and hard, had to take a stand.


    I’ve thrown so much away in the past,

    My dear I just can’t do it again.

    If the house were smaller,

    And didn’t smell of cats.


    If my health were better and such,

    I wouldn’t have to worry about that.

    I wanted to be with you so very much,

    I love animals and I do love cats.


    But if I can smell them or see the hair,

    Have to put up with cats on tables and counters,

    Even on the beds and the sofa and chairs.

    It is too much and I do flounder.


    I have become accustomed I do believe,

    To living alone and just being independent.

    I don’t want to continue this way, to stride and strive,

    But maybe this is what the Lord meant.


    If something would or could change,

    I’d be there in a minute, or an hour or so,

    Back in your arms wouldn’t that be strange?

    Then we would be back together our love to grow.


    Please do not be angry at me,

    I wanted to be with you so much,

    I really cared for you a lot you see.

    But only hope you can understand and such.


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    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    CyndiC’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Alone and Confused 0
    A Bear to Hug 0
    Troubled Mind 0
    The Long Wait 0
    Winging My Way to You 0
    I Promise 0
    Have You Ever Known An Angel 0