A Bear to Hug


  • Happiness

    A Bear to Hug



    I am making a new friend,

    And hoping his friendship will never end.

    He makes me smile and laugh,

    Please Lord don’t let this pass.


    This new friend seems to be very smart,

    I must admit he has making me smile down to an art.

    Wouldn’t it be cool and so awesome,

    If my soul mate he is the very one?


    He has brought down that wall that surrounds me,

    And I hope he understands and also can see.

    I’ve thrown to the wind all my fears,

    And pray there will be no more sad tears.


    I am embarking on a new adventure,

    There are things on my mind and in my heart I’m sure,

    That I may question and often ponder,

    For this new experience is surely a wonder.


    I am told he likes to snuggle and give warm hugs,

    Soft kisses too and maybe a lot of love.

    I think I will nickname him my bear,

    And pray to the Lord we will have a friendship to share.


    And if the Lord sees fit and it is our fate,

    This could lead to more than friendship and a date.

    So I am casting all my fears to the wind,

    And hoping we become more than just friends.


    So as I end this little ditty of a rhyme,

    I hope my bear will read it sometime.

    And maybe he will just know how I feel,

    And that this friendship is so real.


    So I’ll be waiting to see how this relationship builds,

    And soon hope to know how he feels.

    Cause hugs are healing, warm and nice,

    And to have a huggy bear would be nice at twice the price.


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    Poetry is what gets lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    CyndiC’s Poems (9)

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