Toilet Paper Blues


  • Humor

    Toilet Paper Blues

    Wandering around, nothing to do
    But you pause as the urge comes over you
    You have to pee, you REALLY have to pee
    You run to the nearest bathroom you see
    Sweet relief as you lock the stall door
    You turn around and drop your pants to the floor
    But as you finish, you see something wrong
    Something you should have noticed all along
    There's no toilet paper on the roll!
    And there's a sinking feeling inside your soul
    As you realize the tragic situation you're in
    A feeling of panic begins to set in
    But wait! An idea....could it be?
    There should be some in the other stall, that's the key!
    You listen to make sure that no one is coming
    When you're sure it's clear, you start waddling
    Pants still down, butt still wet
    You get in the other stall, and begin to fret
    How could this be!?! No toilet paper again!
    So unfair, this never happens to men...
    Unbelievable what luck you have
    As you consider your situation, you start to laugh
    You're stuck, stranded, with no way out
    Nothing to do but sit there and pout
    Drip and dry, it's the only way
    I guess this is the price you pay
    Next time you'll look, but this time you lose
    Welcome to what I call, The Toilet Paper Blues

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