Poem Commentary

Live your life to the fullest!!


Today is another day to be like unto Christ

In thought, in words, and in deeds

The day to submit ourselves unto His divine will

To follow His footsteps each day

Today is another day to serve others

In love, in charity, in humility, in faith

The day to forget ourselves for others sake

To love and serve God with our best


Today is another day to improve ourselves

With our time, with our talents, with our efforts

The day to outshine our potentials so divine

To become worthy heirs of our Father in Heaven


Today is another day to keep our covenants

As we remember and take upon us His name

As we keep all His commandments with our best

And as we endure all things thou has entrusted us


Today is another day to magnify our callings

Proclaiming the gospel to those who seek for light

Redeeming the dead through genealogical works

Perfecting the saints through our Christlike ways


Today is another day to be happy

Through His great atonement He offered us

Which gives us hope to return back to Him

For today is the day to prepare to meet God


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angelwriter commented on TODAY


Live your life to the fullest!!



i love that!

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

angelwriter’s Poems (8)

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