Precious In His Sight (Ma. Theresa de Vera Abubo)


Poem Commentary

Always remember that your precious in God's sight.

Precious In His Sight (Ma. Theresa de Vera Abubo)

Precious daughter am I in thy sight o Lord

Who is preserved by His great redeeming love?

With thankful heart I offer my thanks to thee

For shedding thy precious blood to a sinner like me


How can I make my soul be of great worth?

That I may partake the fruit of  thine eternal life

Marvelous is thine Plan of Happiness

Thou has prepared to be with thee eternally


Help me Father prepare my way to thee

As I endeavor to endure all travails ahead of me

Mold me as a woman thou art please to see

A woman of faith, virtue, wisdom, and charity


May my thoughts be edified of purity

My deeds be directed for good

And my worlds glorify thy name on high

That thine Spirit be my constant guide


How I love to serve thee for eternally

As well as all thine children on earth and in prison

To do all thine commandments faithfully

And to please thee throughout my life


My love for thee will never falter

For I am your daughter and you are my Father

Esteem my soul as an offering before thee

To let me be precious in thy sight each day  


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Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

angelwriter’s Poems (8)

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