My Gracious Lord (Ma. Theresa de Vera Abubo)


Poem Commentary

Praise God for everything..without Him we are nothing.

My Gracious Lord (Ma. Theresa de Vera Abubo)


How could life be without thee my Lord?

Forever be damned like unto the fallen angel

Far from my Father on the most high

Eternally damned to be with him someday


Thou has rescue us from the abyss of grave and hell

By which name can perform as to thee alone

Thy name be praised by all mankind

O how could our soul be of great worth without thee?


Angels trumpet sounded forth for god tidings

For thou has risen from the grave

The plan of thine Father thou has fulfilled

A path that leads to thine Father set forth once again


A light of hope we’ve seen

No more in the dark, no more in misery

O rejoice now my soul!

He has triumphed! He has triumphed!


O repent! O repent my soul!

What more can I say than repent

Come follow Jesus Christ

The only Savior and Redeemer of all mankind


May I take upon me thy name for eternity

And let my eye be single unto thine glory alone

Keeping all thine commandments with my best

And endure till the end of my life


Forever will I worship and serve thee

O my gracious Lord from above

I offer unto thee my life

The only true and living God

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Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

angelwriter’s Poems (8)

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