Book of Books


Poem Commentary

Reading the Book of Mormon is my passion and my happiness..

Book of Books

Over the centuries of time on earth

Thy great love dear Father faileth not

Thine holy scriptures thou has preserved for us

Plain, pure, and precious above all things


Thine elect prophet of old thou has chosen

To write things which are pleasing unto thee

For the salvation of the children of man

The everlasting keystone of Christ church


Our generation had seen thy great pow’r

In bringing about thine gospel thou has preserved

For more than a thousand years on earth

Until a prophet of God was chosen to bring it into light


O blessed Joseph Smith of the latter days

Thy hands were prepared to translate

The other testament of Jesus Christ

A gift that comes from the Almighty God


Prophesies had been fulfilled with haste

Angels rejoiced for its glorious deliverance

The Book of Mormon has arise to shine

Throughout all the beloved children of God


What book can fill the hungry soul?

What book can bring the fullness of the gospel?

What book can lead us to the path of life eternal?

What book can bring us nearer to God?


What greater book can one ask to receive?

When Jesus Christ be His divine author

What more can He ask of us to do?

Even to pray, ponder, study, and feast upon it each day

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Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

angelwriter’s Poems (8)

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