The Final Key


  • Education

    The Final Key

    E- mpowering an era of elevating education

    D-irects an edified emblem of embracing erudition

    U-pon battling vincible ignorance in days of probation


    C-oncreting bastion of learning fortifies the seat of wisdom

    A-cquiring the final key as a majesty to thy kingdom

    T-reasuring gates of openings unlocks direction of freedom

    I-nheriting insurance of integrity intends heirdom


    O-utshine optimism onward the test over pessimism

    N-oble is a man armored with humility as his maxim

    I-n searching mysteries of intelligential idealism

    S-ealer of conviction crowned with a brimming laurel of lore’s gleam


    T-rials may stumble as down in track of the bachelor’s key

    H-owever hindrances straighten up crucial course of progress

    E-ndurance entrust us enter in extent intelligences

    K-eeping the keystone of knowledge exalts future generation


    E-xcel  your potentials and be proficient with your aptitude

    Y-earning direction from our Living Master enlightens ones soul

    T-aking time reading our ultimate professors lights on our mind

    O-ust procrastination and prior studying to prevail


    S-trive making important decisions based on eternal truth

    U-ntil you reach the milestone of eternal consequences

    C-onvey vista of virtue with nobility of faith oh youth

    C-herish every memories of the key and live it with your dreams


    E-ssential years is coming forth to battle for the final key

    S-trafing with a shield of wisdom and breastplate of truth’s asset

    S-o at the last day we may finally say, “ I fought a good fight”.



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    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    angelwriter’s Poems (8)

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