The Tomorrow Dream


The Tomorrow Dream

The sun breaks the curtains
then stretches across the room
Caressing the romantics eyes
who's dreams will soon consume

Waking he smiles gently
and thanks his lucky stars above
Although his cowardice held him back last night
soon come, he will ask his love

A sparkling gemstone in a box
his intended gift to bestow
Running late he thinks, despite losing his spine that time
there will always be tomorrow

A young girl whispers
Please mommy, just one more game
The denials echo through her heart
since mommy's met that man, she's not been the same

You know I have a bus to catch
now put on your jacket and don't be a bother
We still have sixteen blocks to walk
to drop you off at your father's

The silence broken only by footsteps
in a hurried rush, departing words she did forgo
She knows how much I love her right?
I'll just tell her again tomorrow

Two brothers sit next to one another
but neither one will speak
Quiet covered by wheels rumbling upon gravel
and the squeaking of the seats

Bitter words and insults
were hurled across the room
The remnants of their bloody bond
upon the floor were strewn

Quarreling over money
all was lost at a casino
They'll make up somewhere down the road
then again, there's always tomorrow

Never ending agitation
plagues a dying man
The cure was always within him
the disease rests in his hand

Thirty years trapped in a bottle
the poison numbs his lips
His body goes to shaking
the time has come to quit

One last night will do no harm
off to let the spirits flow
This time he really means it
I will start anew tomorrow

A teenage girl weeps in anguish
thoughts too many to be pieced
For a moment she wonders to herself
would her parents care in the least

She wasted much, and wanted for nothing
but she believed their love too tough
Their rules were suffocating
setting out on her own would not be so rough

Unsettled, unsure of her decision now
her tears continued to flow
A mistake was made, but it's not too late
she can make it back by tomorrow

A devoutly religious man
long running from haunted sins
Resolves to take the hard road
and with God to make amends

He lived a lavish life
those who loved him, he ignored
Then he woke up one day all alone
surrounded only by money he once adored

Lost deep in thought, he missed his stop
as he hears the church bells go
No matter, there's always time to repent
he'll make his confession tomorrow

The passing traffic stirs the wind
as an old man awaits a bus
An umbrella clenched within his fist
he is all in a fuss

An invitation from a distant son
unanswered at an empty home
Affection is what he is seeking
an unopened door he is shown

Then he straightens up and steps to the curb
his persistence he will show
He thinks to himself as the doors open wide
You know, there's always tomorrow

The weatherman admits openly
I know I promised you rain
The weathers intentions are outside my reach
I cannot take the blame

But tomorrow is looking wet
and if I'm wrong, tis I you can accuse
Now that you know which way the winds blow
it's back to the lady with breaking news

Eight are dead in a tragic accident
an overturned bus, but their names we do not know
Their next of kin have not yet been notified
we will update you again, tomorrow

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Chrisjan commented on The Tomorrow Dream


Very descriptive poem !! Beautiful to sad imagery throughout this work of art. The ending is tragic but fits in to todays world !!

spbsdude commented on The Tomorrow Dream


Masterfully done, a true classic piece of poetry. I loved it, and the end is a grabber. We too often put off tomorrow what needs to be said and done today before it's too late. You told this with such skill and precision that I stand amazed.

StandingBear commented on The Tomorrow Dream


Spence, another finely tuned trademarked SuSpence write as only you can accomplish. It's like sitting in front of ten different reality movies and watching and knowing exactly what is happening in each and every one of them. I believe i'm hearing a bit of John Fogerty, Creedence Clearwater Revival jams in the background. Riveting write, my friend! Happy New Year! Bear



Thanks so much StandingBear, Sorry it took me so long to reply, I was away for the Holidays. I hope you are having a wonderful new year. Peace and Love, Spence

Marsink commented on The Tomorrow Dream


If I can read this without considering my days unknown on this earth, then I surely must be deluded into the belief that I'm immortal--NOT! It is appointed for men to die once, and after this is judgment: You may not know what tomorrow holds, but you can know Who holds tomorrow! That's my take on it--Excellent and wild ride through days in the life...

ginga commented on The Tomorrow Dream


SuSpence, A poem that takes the rederinto their own tomorrows, with that underlying procrastination as your own worst enemy. This is a clever and well thought out write with morality as its best virtue. Thank you so much for this poem of humanity. Happy Holidays! ginga



Thanks Ginga :) And Congrats on your win! I have been MIA from OP for a tick, I apologize, but I am going to try and get back into the swing of things soon, just so much going on. Peace and Love, Spence

When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

SuSpence’s Poems (53)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Eyes Of Hazel One 6
Each New Day 16
The Tomorrow Dream 43
What See You 19
Nirvana (Haiku) 13
Sonnet 3 21
The Poetry Of Time 33
Mirrored Souls 33
My Open Broken Heart 20
Passing Thoughts 16
Sonnet 1 19
Ode To My Love 17
Angel With Butterfly Wings 20
A Conversation in Appreciation 13
Miranda's Song 14
The Sarasota Blues 27
Highku 22
Tripping Stream of Consciousness 35
Along The River's Breath 51
Sometimes... 37
Transport 34
Love Never Knows 39
SuSpence's Dream 33
Ode to the Beatles (acrostic challenge) 18
The Generation Who Sold The World 30
Christine 24
Glenn Beck (Haiku) Compilation 32
The Tragic Tale of Alejandro Vega 56
Ballad of the Lost Man 32
Gulf of Fire (Haiku) 34
Fade to White 34
Ugly World 53
Searchin' for Love 26
Lost am I 28
Shards of Me 27
The Sadness, 10
The New Moon 18
I Imagine, 13
Lovesick, Lonesome Blues 11
Beautiful Poet 10
The Morning Sun 5
A Question for Love 13
Realm of Delusion 26
Simply Thoughts of You 9
Caught Staring 6
The Edge of the Headlands 3
In My Mind... 15
Thoughts of Natalia 14
A New Path 10
Daydream 12
Gone is my Sunshine 17