The Place I Know


  • JAlden
  • After a couple years gone, I think it's about time I made a return. Time to upload some poetry.

The Place I Know

When the dark rolls in on summer skies

And the sun averts his gaze,

When the crickets start their wooing songs

At the end of heated days,


When the shadows melt into a path

That forms beneath the trees,

When the world is wrapped in silent sheets,

And the daytime-dwellers flee;


Then, in the peaceful, modest night

The stars begin to shine,

With a light that is both proud and shy,

Both simple and refined;


As a breeze with a scent of nighttime blooms

Carries gently through my soul,

And although it whips about my face

I do not feel the cold;


I raise my eyes into the dark

And see the stuff of dreams,

So I close my eyes to look within

And see the grassy greens


Of canyons deep and mountains high,

And hills with trees around

Where a poet sits and hears his name

Yet never hears a sound,


Where a breeze can take a soul away

To a different time and place,

To remember people long since passed

And a now forgotten face;


To this world I bring another hope,

As I call into the night,

The one who feeds this starving world,

Who gives these plants their light; 


As I open up my eyes again

I softly speak a name,

For when a word is said aloud

The world is not the same,


So let me take your hand in mine,

Should you desire to,

I'll show you lands not seen before,

And all that I can do,


For when two worlds of brilliant light

Converge and shine as one,

They both become a better place

More beautiful and fun,


So join me on a nightly walk

Up hills where poppies grow,

I'll take you where the stars are bright,

Up to the place I know.

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To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

JAlden’s Poems (20)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Phantom and the Beast 0
The Artist 1
The Place I Know 0
Making Sense of Things 1
The Star Beyond My Sight 0
The Greatest Gift 1
Meditations on a Hillside 0
For Christine 0
Conversing With the Stars 1
A Quiet Nighttime Meditation 1
The Song of Orpheus 5
The Hall of Memory 6
Avalon 2
My Dove 3
On Life 2
The Dreaded Book of Nevermore 2
To the Sylph 1
The Olympian 2
A Lullaby 3
Your Eyes 3