For Christine


  • JAlden
  • After a couple years gone, I think it's about time I made a return. Time to upload some poetry.

For Christine

Deep in this cavern, lightless,
Where demons used to tread,
And nighttime held its sway,
How many people now are dead, 
Who crossed before my way
In this choking darkness.

This lake of mystery I crossed,
I am like Charon's ghost,
Who gave a ride, for just a fee, 
To those who could not boast,
To be alive or free,
They are the souls that heaven lost.

From up above I saw her fall,
Cherubic, and serene,
An angel with a broken wing,
Her voice, behind a screen 
Of sorrow, hollow ring,
But I could heal, on her I'd call. 

Then something happened, unexplained,
The darkness turned to light,
The demon, now an angel seen
The day had killed the night,
So different from what else had been,
Where hate was, now love reigned!

My ugliness had turned to gold,
She cared not for my face,
My soul enchanted her, no less,
Perhaps... we could embrace,
I never loved, I now confess,
Though I'm not young, but old.

I am a genius, you should know, 
I do not seek to brag,
It is the truth, my artistry,
May be my only flag
Beneath which, in this mystery,
I write in earth below.

But then I saw another man,
All face and figure wrought,
Adonis like, he stole her heart,
What pain, what rage, and how distraught!
But, quickest from the start, 
I once again made up a plan.

"My dear," I sang, "look to your face,
"Your Angel has appeared,
"That man you must not see again,
"Or else, all that you feared,
"I disappear when near are men,
"I'll leave without a single trace."

Too soon I saw, though she denied,
Attachment, growing great,
And so I brought her down to me
My love, she could not hate!
But once she did this "angel" see,
She fainted in the dark, surprised.

O sweet Christine! How can you know
Just how I was right then!
The first time in my life I feared
I, who never feared the race of men,
My heart, once cold now seared,
My blood now swift, once slow.

You know the rest, but let me say,
When you would be my bride,
And living, unlike Juliet
Who stabbed herself, and died;
To save your lover's life, you'd let
Me have your life, and ever stay.

And then... I kissed you, still afraid
You'd flee away from me,
But no, you took the forehead's kiss
You did not cringe or flee,
What joy! But something was amiss:
The right choice, love's choice, must be made.

And so I wept and fell on knee
I did my mask remove,
But you remained, your tears came too,
Ours mingled, then my move.
I stood and spoke to eyes bright blue
And said I'd let you both go free.

I realized though I wished for more,
For greater joys and dreams,
I could not break your heart for me,
I'm not a monster, as it seems,
And so I give to you the key
And leave me here forevermore.

So much is love more than one man,
She showed that first to me,
And so I had to let her go
I felt her agony
I was a lover, now a foe,
A heartsick sorrow through me ran.

I could not take your happiness
To make my own secure,
Love for you must stay like so,
It's more than just allure,
I won't be made obsessive, no, 
Though as you leave, I'll be made less.

Will you know joy as I have felt,
Within another's eye?
For you, I hope you shall indeed
Have love, but I must die;
For hearts, once filled with love decreed,
Once made of coldest ice must melt.

I'm here alone, and dying too,
You were my life, now gone.
But still I think about your face,
A comfort, passing on...
It's time I fled the human race,
You taught me that love can be true,
And I give thanks to you.

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To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

JAlden’s Poems (20)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Phantom and the Beast 0
The Artist 1
The Place I Know 0
Making Sense of Things 1
The Star Beyond My Sight 0
The Greatest Gift 1
Meditations on a Hillside 0
For Christine 0
Conversing With the Stars 1
A Quiet Nighttime Meditation 1
The Song of Orpheus 5
The Hall of Memory 6
Avalon 2
My Dove 3
On Life 2
The Dreaded Book of Nevermore 2
To the Sylph 1
The Olympian 2
A Lullaby 3
Your Eyes 3