JAlden’s Profile

After a couple years gone, I think it's about time I made a return. Time to upload some poetry.

  • Age: 31
  • Location: Orinda, CA
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


I believe there is a reason for everything. This is not, as some people might think, an empty platitude, but rather the absolute, frightening truth. There is a reason for everything. To look back on life and see all the various paths I could have chosen that would have altered who I am on a fundamental level is enough to overwhelm me. Love has made me hopeful and idealistic, cruelty from others has made me strong, and poetry has helped me survive it all. I'm a psychology student and, if psychological typing means anything to you, I'm an INFP with a broad sense of humor, a strongly philosophical mind, and an unbreakable will when it comes to things that matter. I am extremely faithful to my friends but I am also highly selective. I alternate between appreciating the complexities of the human mind and trying to help others with their problems. If you need any help or advice, just ask. I may not have all the answers, but sometimes it just helps to have someone who is willing to listen.


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BringMeBullets profile comment


Well hello, my name is Brandi. And that's a good idea. But you should always try to write that way! Duh! That's what makes writing pretty. And I will check out your poems... Here in a little bit. I think that it's good to write in different ways though. Get's your expression out there that much better. Way cool. :) Ttyl.

BringMeBullets profile comment


Nothing much right now. Just chilling out at school. What about you? I'm lacking inspiration... :(

BringMeBullets profile comment


Hello. :)

theelyricistboo profile comment


my names Monica.[:

theelyricistboo profile comment


yeaa thats true but we have to stay up [: so whats yur name?

Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

JAlden’s Poems (20)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Phantom and the Beast 0
The Artist 1
The Place I Know 0
Making Sense of Things 1
The Star Beyond My Sight 0
The Greatest Gift 1
Meditations on a Hillside 0
For Christine 0
Conversing With the Stars 1
A Quiet Nighttime Meditation 1
The Song of Orpheus 5
The Hall of Memory 6
Avalon 2
My Dove 3
On Life 2
The Dreaded Book of Nevermore 2
To the Sylph 1
The Olympian 2
A Lullaby 3
Your Eyes 3