Your Eyes


  • Love
    • JAlden
    • After a couple years gone, I think it's about time I made a return. Time to upload some poetry.

    Your Eyes

    When oft in idle quand'ry,
    My thoughts slip back to you,
    And then I feel so lonely:
    I wish you loved me too.

    I never got to asking,
    Emotion well I bore,
    In silence, ever wanting,
    Still hoping at my core.

    I found my consolation
    Inside my love for you,
    To hurt with proclamation
    Would tear my heart in two.

    So now I look in deeper:
    The Gemini of light,
    Your eyes, my lovely reaper
    That brings my soul to flight.

    Their depth, and their sweet pity,
    Have given me the might,
    To write this silly ditty;
    To be this poet’s light.

    Twin globes of greatest beauty,
    They shine celestial bright,
    Two stars forgot their duty,
    Now glisten day, and night.

    You all my hope containing,
    My darkest day grows bright,
    The sun replaces raining,
    Your eyes become my light.

    If earth could sing your praises,
    I’d join the chorus too,
    As harmony then raises,
    I’d do it all for you.

    And if Life seems too hopeless,
    If nothing else is true,
    This truth let me confess:
    Just know that I love you.

    Poem Comments


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    jandh4ever commented on Your Eyes


    ohhh. this is really cute. the emotions set by this poem really is amazing



    haha Thank you! I try. :)

    UnworthyFather commented on Your Eyes


    I agree with bandit1192. You seem to have a very good grasp on words, and all that I have read of your work has astounded me. I love the style in which you write. Keep up the good work, and thanks for sharing with others.

    bandit1192 commented on Your Eyes


    Beautifully done. You write better than I ever did at 16. You show a maturity that many of us older poets still lack. I am a fan. TS

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    JAlden’s Poems (20)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    The Phantom and the Beast 0
    The Artist 1
    The Place I Know 0
    Making Sense of Things 1
    The Star Beyond My Sight 0
    The Greatest Gift 1
    Meditations on a Hillside 0
    For Christine 0
    Conversing With the Stars 1
    A Quiet Nighttime Meditation 1
    The Song of Orpheus 5
    The Hall of Memory 6
    Avalon 2
    My Dove 3
    On Life 2
    The Dreaded Book of Nevermore 2
    To the Sylph 1
    The Olympian 2
    A Lullaby 3
    Your Eyes 3