The Dreaded Book of Nevermore


  • JAlden
  • After a couple years gone, I think it's about time I made a return. Time to upload some poetry.

The Dreaded Book of Nevermore

Within a twisted wood unnamed,
Lies a book of darkest days,
Left alone, forgotten, maimed,
For in its text true evil stays.

Telling tales of long ago,
Darkest Angels, Ghouls, and Hell,
When an angel dared say no
To the sound of Heaven’s Bell.

Shadows crept upon the ground,
Angelic legions broke and tore,
Mist moved quick without a sound,
The time had come for Heaven’s war.

Demons fought against the Word,
Those once of God, now slaves to Pride,
They have known, and they have heard, 
That their hope for life has died.

Their captains met upon the field,
Their swords met with reluctant zeal,
Michael hit, and Satan reeled, 
And Michael crushed him with his heel.

As Michael cast his brother down,
Said he: “A hateful place for you to dwell!”
The brightest light fell farthest down,
And thus, was then created Hell.

Demons screamed in black repose,
Their beauty gone, their glory done,
As they lost, and came to close,
The battle finished; Heaven won.

In this book, it tells these tales,
Of darkness, mystery, and Hell,
This, the king of forgotten lore,
This, the book, called: Nevermore.

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UnworthyFather commented on The Dreaded Book of Nevermore


I really liked this poem!!! You did an awesome job of describing the rise and fall of satan, and all his evil demons. I agree with GentleT, also, in the fact that there is a message here for all of us to grasp. Sometimes, as creators of some new work, we allow ourselves to swell with pride (maybe it's just me!!). May God grant us all the humbleness that befits us as HIS creation. Thank you for sharing. 10

GentleT commented on The Dreaded Book of Nevermore


Fine work my lad. You describe the battle of good and evil and as stated. The high-minded pride in one self went before the fall. Something that we should be leary of lest it drag us down also.

Poetry is not a turning loose of emotion, but an escape from emotion.

T. S. Eliot (1888-1965) American-English poet and playwright.

JAlden’s Poems (20)

Title Comments
Title Comments
The Phantom and the Beast 0
The Artist 1
The Place I Know 0
Making Sense of Things 1
The Star Beyond My Sight 0
The Greatest Gift 1
Meditations on a Hillside 0
For Christine 0
Conversing With the Stars 1
A Quiet Nighttime Meditation 1
The Song of Orpheus 5
The Hall of Memory 6
Avalon 2
My Dove 3
On Life 2
The Dreaded Book of Nevermore 2
To the Sylph 1
The Olympian 2
A Lullaby 3
Your Eyes 3