KellyBrewer’s Profile

  • Age: 48
  • Location: Concord, CA
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


Poetry is a form of self expression that I have used since the age of 14. My style of writing is heavily influenced by Jim Morrison, Tupac Shakur, Arthur Rimbaud, Paul Verlaine, The Beat Writers, Oscar Wilde, William Blake, Jimi Hendrix, Aldous Huxley Emily Dickinson and Fredrick Niche. I believe in the power of the word and its ability to create change. I hope that my poetry reflects an alchemy of my predecessors and is an inspiration for those looking for their own revolution for change. My goal in my writing is to be universal and to be influential on people today as well as future generations. I want to leave my mark on the world through my poetry, adding my name to the canon of writers listed above.


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Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

KellyBrewer’s Poems (2)

Title Comments
Title Comments
When I Get Free 0
Death of a Stranger 1