The Patriot


Poem Commentary

Remember there's an important election coming up!

The Patriot

The Patriot

Jerry is a patriot,
he loves his country dear.
He waves the flag on July 4th,
he makes his feelings clear.

He fancies himself vigilant,
his loyalty is defined.
But when it comes the time to vote,
It tends to slip his mind.

He thinks the world of veterans
who‘ve come home from abroad.
But when it’s time to pay his taxes,
His payments border on fraud.

He has the flag in his lapel
on every suit he wears.
But he gets his news from the loudest screamer
when talk radio airs.

Now Jerry sits and wonders
when he reads the news.
“Bailouts, gridlock, deficits,
What are we to do?”

Jerry looks around and frowns.
“How could this ever be?
How could we be in such a mess
with patriots like me?”


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cutbanksam commented on The Patriot


u hit it rite on the head, on the other side of the coin, it isn't hard to feel it's useless to vote because even if the right one gets elected it doesn't take long for them to betray the values that got them elected. still voting is the only we hopehave for change

wiskeygirl5090 commented on The Patriot


Never were truer words written howe many times do peopole think they are doing what they are supose to for there country.... but maybe not great read



Thanks! That's the way I feel, too.

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

Bobwelbaum’s Poems (23)

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