Ode to a Modern Warrior


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    This is for anyone who gets a game for the holidays.

    Ode to a Modern Warrior

    He came at me mercilessly with anger in his eyes.
    His body language made it clear it was I that he despised.
    He swung a club right at my head, I barely ducked the blow.
    The next time I wasn’t quite as quick, he really laid me low.
    My brain was foggy, my head ached, but what really got my attention
    was when he pulled out a huge sword with a fury too terrible to mention.
    My right hand was the first to go, my sword fell to the floor.
    My left leg was the next, and yet he came for more.
    It wasn’t very long until the outcome was made clear.
    My life force was ebbing, the end was very near.
    All this bitter fighting has really put me to shame.
    At this point I’m just glad this is a video game.

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    HarverTomsson commented on Ode to a Modern Warrior


    This is good. When you have time, I have an older post called WII for Granpa. you might not see much similarity, though I treat of the genre, my intent was not quite so whimsical. Harv



    This was inspired by my neighbor's 14-yr.-old. (Of course, he thought he could do better!) WII was my dad's war, & as retired military myself, I'd like to see 'WII for Granpa.'

    gogant commented on Ode to a Modern Warrior


    You make a delightful poem from what sounds like a horrible ordeal to go through........I don't do the game thing, but I've watched my two sons do battle with those villains..............A very neat and orderly piece...............................................g



    Thanks! I wrote this with my neighbor's son as inspiration. Of course, he wasn't impressed; he thinks he could do better!

    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    Bobwelbaum’s Poems (23)

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