No Foolin'


No Foolin'

As some people go through life
they try to bait the fool.
These people do trick others
no matter what the rule.

They fool for selfish purpose,
for personal glory or gain.
They fool to impress others,
forget the cost and pain.

They fool to tease,
they fool to please,
some fool to make a point.

They fool for fun,
they fool to shun,
some need a knave to exploit.

But despite all the trickery
a rule we must obey,
the person one must never fool
is oneself -- an err to haunt always.

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Whiskers commented on No Foolin'


Very nicely worded and a subject I never really considered beyond the well known quotations of; A fool and his money are soon parted, The fool has said in his heart there is no God, The accused that represents himself has a fool for an attorney, and finally - For every woman that makes a fool out of a man there is a woman who make a man out of a fool. Thank you for taking us on this foolish journey.



Thanks! This was based on something I've learned: the one person you can never afford to fool in life is yourself.

ClearlySays commented on No Foolin'


That made me sit and think about who I've fooled purposely and why. Your last couple lines really get under my skin, they make me worry of my own possible denial. That's what is truest about this poem, nothing is sugar-coated and nothing is blown out of proportion. I'm giving it a 10!



Thanks! This was based on something I've learned: the one person you can never afford to fool in life is yourself.

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

Bobwelbaum’s Poems (23)

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