On Communication


  • Humor
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  • Nature

    Poem Commentary

    This is a takeoff on a speaker's anecdote I heard a long time ago. Does this one work?

    On Communication

    Shaking, trembling,
    the three-week old fawn huddled in the thicket.

    How many wolves were there?
    Three, four, five?
    It didn’t matter.
    They just kept circling,
    closer, closer,
    their ravenous eyes fixed upon her.

    What was that rustling behind her?
    Too frightened to move,
    she made herself as small as possible
    and shut her eyes.

    Suddenly the air was rent by a long, earth-shaking snarl.
    The wolves froze, then were gone.

    As she lifted her head, barely able to breathe,
    she was startled to feel a gentle nudge in her back.

    Her head jerked around to see Mother Doe standing beside her.
    With a wink Mother whispered,
    “It always helps to know another language.”

    Poem Comments


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    meatloaf commented on On Communication


    My Daddy taught me that lesson when I was young! When faced with invincible odds, it helps to introduce some doubt into the mix. Find out if they are committed! Just the thought that this might not be a good idea can be enough to dissuade. If they are really committed, you are in for an ass whippin' , but it never hurts to give 'em a chance to decline! I loved the piece.



    Thanks! I was hoping it wasn't too over-the-top.

    Whiskers commented on On Communication


    Nice write, that last line but a huge smile on my face! Whiskers.



    Thanks for the comment. I wasn't sure if this one would be well received or not.

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    Bobwelbaum’s Poems (23)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    On Haircuts 1
    The Shopping Trip 0
    It Was Not To Be 0
    On Dogs 0
    You Never Know 0
    My Soaring Fantasy 0
    I Want 0
    Once a Mother... 0
    Talk To The Experts 0
    A Pessimist or an Optimist? 0
    On Challenge 0
    Books Are Your Friends 0
    On Communication 2
    On Importance 1
    Seeing The Future 0
    No Problem -- Or How to Handle Difficult People 1
    No Foolin' 2
    Dreams 1
    My Greatest Enemy 4
    Perspective 1
    Time Slips Away 2
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