The Day Creativity Dye


  • Loss

    The Day Creativity Dye

    From down the block I could see
    The flashing lights of the police car
    There was a crowd at the corner
    I wonder what was going on
    So curiosity got the best of me
    And I walk down to see
    The closer I got
    The closer I could see the yellow police tape
    Cording of the block
    I heard whisper in the crowd
    Who what that
    Did you see what happen?
    Any body knows him
    I think so’
    He live over on Wilson
    He ‘sit in my science class said one girl
    As I made my way through the crowed
    To see whom it was
    Getting closer to the Police line
    A figure
    Lying in the street
    A white sheet draped over his face
    His brown penny loafer till on
    Looking like they were barely worn
    A cold wind blew heaping for a second
    For all to glare at his lifeless
    As the dance with dead slowly over whelmed
    An old lady cries and the tears ran down her brown face
    Reflecting the light of the streets
    Sparkles deep
    Seem she had known him from a youth
    I see it in her true
    He was a kind lad, she said
    My god ‘may u forgive this age of this kid’
    Amen, sister, amen
    May the lord have mercy on his soul?
    As the body got cold and colder
    The lady with the brown face
    Saw a church sister she knew
    And they broke in a psalm and then a hymn
    Those in the crowed that knew the words join in
    And it’s has if heaven too cry
    When the rain fell from the sky
    Little by little the crowed disperse
    Sharing the faith of that day
    Each leaving feeling at bits worst
    Until was i alone
    Only for second
    Then I too was gone

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    ccslim commented on The Day Creativity Dye


    I like the content!

    When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

    John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

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