Tears of a Butterfly


  • Emotional

    Tears of a Butterfly

    If only beauty could describe

    The kind of person you are in side

    A splendor

    No man can deny

    Heart lock away

    Cause love sent

    Got no reply

    So you hide

    Passion and desires burning within side

    Never quench by the one by your side

    Unwilling taste the sweet nectar of your inner thigh

    So you fly

    Red and black wings

    With brown spot like eyes

    Never allowing the world to see the tears that she cries

    Keeping strong

    Through the rain and storm

    The breeze and the calm

    All a lone she carries on

    In and out of her long day 

    From flower to flower she makes her way

    Doing the best she can to hide the pain

    Never allowing the world to see the emptiness that remains

    Many would give all to protect, secure, guard

    Her from all harm

    Wiping the tears as they fall

    Willing away the darkness

    So only the sun could warm her form

    Never lucky enough

    She flies away

    Return to one that takes 

    Feeling nothing for her but hate

    If I could make one wish

    Be bless to fix

    Take her hand

    And free her to that promise land

    Where butterfly fly free

    And tears only comes

    When the rain falls to the ground


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    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    nitti’s Poems (16)

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