Love is too small a word


  • Love

    Love is too small a word

    Love is too small a word

    To say how you make me feel inside

    The way my heart ricochets in my chest

    Hanging on your ever breath

    The way I let you see me

    My flaws

    Peeling away the layer only you can

    Feelings bubbles and boils under the surface

    Erupting like a volcano when your close to me

    Could it be?

    Your better half of me

    Counting the minutes when you’re away

    Awaiting your returns

    Like a prisoner on the first day of parole

    Could I announce it to the world?

    You’re my girl

    I though only birds could fly

    The way you make me high

    Marijuana could never supply

    That I could never lie

    If the sky should fall

    And the earth should stall

    If Venus should collide into Mars

    Awake one day to see flying car 

    Reach up with my hand to touch the stars

    Love is still too small a word

    For the way you make me feel

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    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    nitti’s Poems (16)

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