submit and let go


  • Anger
    • Prophecy
    • is writing a is undiscolsed until i get it patented

    submit and let go

    I am 17 and my life is full of pain
    all i know is how to loose never to gain
    as many times as I have broken down to my knees and bowed my head
    I still can't seem to let go
    it seems like everytime I try to move foward and lift my face
    and dry my tears off my cheeks
    something hits me and tell me I am not done and i must suffer

    to be continued

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    MOMofTWINS commented on submit and let go


    Oh honey, this is a very heartfelt and deep seeded poem... If you remember that you are a strong young lady and that you have the world ahead of you I think you will go far. Keep your head up and know your worth!

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    Prophecy’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Hope 2
    Fallen 2
    I come to you.... 1
    submit and let go 1
    Luminance (mislead and lost) 0
    A Simple Look 1
    Jinxed 1
    Hush 0
    Bustin Loose 1