A Simple Look


  • Anger
    • Prophecy
    • is writing a book..lol...title is undiscolsed until i get it patented

    A Simple Look

    take a walk into the brown eyes of a young girl

    she is alone but seems to be in a joyous mood but somethings a simple look cannot tell

    but with a simple stride though her eyes you will see what truly lies

    if you thought she was just careless child you're in for quite the suprise

    within her right eye there are flames that burn so hot and high

    these flames weren't put there overnight they grow into vengence and shall not die

    they come from all the hate and anger that she holds in her heart

    if you don't know where your heart's window is the eyes play the part

    see her heart has suffered through a lot of beatings and she won't let go

    she has been murdered on the inside and for what reasons she does not know

    such a sweet little girl brought home staight A's

    but durning every summer this is how she spent all her days

    her desk sat infront of a large window at home with a bible on top

    she had to write it word for word and bedtime is when she stopped

    from 9am to 9pm she heard other kids outside but she if looked up she'd be beat

    so while other kid were rewarded with trips out to eat

    her only i'm proud of you sweetie was listening to others laugh play and dance in the streets

    although she is older she refuses to let it be and there is no forgiveness in her heart or in sight

    if you continue to venture through her eyes even more will come to light

    take a scroll through the left eye for a change... for this eye holds no range

    it holds her tears of hurt that turns to waves pain which thrashes against the shores of betrayal

    the roaring sea in this eye is a result of nothing more than betrayal

    to have someone you love, trust and confide in and that swore to protect you stab you in your back with a blade so sharp

    that although you cease to bleed the agony and pain grows and from that the waves and flames rose

    an innocent child tortured and treated like she was the worse thing on earth

    to feel unwanted and unloved by someone she always try to win over'

    what did she do wrong all she wanted was love and caring

    and all he does is beat her and mistreat her and make her feel lower

    and you dare to assume that this girl is careless and has all she needs in life but she does not

    and you can ask her all day to tell you what's wrong what happened but she will not

    she just smiles and laughs and hides it all inside because she has no one left to trust and she is really just afraid

    and here you are thinking she is happy and free but her pain is her only muse

    and the scary part about it is she's young and confused

    she never will forget and she doesn't want to forgive

    and with all this on her heart vengence and betrayal is all she lives

    so how can you tell what truly lies within her eyes with just a simple look

    she cries

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    ndg commented on A Simple Look


    Very powerful



    thanks for liking it not many people get it they think its a darn suicide not...lol...but its just my deepest thoughts of my childhhood...

    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    Prophecy’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Hope 2
    Fallen 2
    I come to you.... 1
    submit and let go 1
    Luminance (mislead and lost) 0
    A Simple Look 1
    Jinxed 1
    Hush 0
    Bustin Loose 1