Bustin Loose


  • Anger
    • Prophecy
    • is writing a book..lol...title is undiscolsed until i get it patented

    Bustin Loose

    I Bust Loose from these issues that surrounds me
    troubles seem to hide but if you open your eyes you'll see
    and when I loose all control and ask God for clues
    my answer never seems to come so I Bust Loose
    Troubles seem to hide from the eyes of the young
    but as I get older my eyes become undone unsprung
    I break loose like a slave in the night
    and all my troubles and worries I'm bringin' em' out to the light
    you can't duck no more I'm coming down with passion
    and if you think you can run child you better move faster
    cuz this comin to you and my vengence may follow
    and i aint takin no prisoners cause my heart is now hollow
    full of nothin but the thought of all the shit in my life
    and if you think this a joke then you betta think twice
    naw I aint laughin no mo and aint no puchline in sight
    so if you still playin folk fall in my path you just might
    aint got no pleasures just pain
    got nun to loose so I gain
    bustin loose in my soul
    and to be free is my goal
    and wat I speak is the truth let not one lie leave my mouth
    yea you may think ME as foolish but my word you can't DOUBT
    so I'm Busting loose from all these issues or I'll fall apart
    I can't sleep at night with all this shit on my heart
    so yea you say I'm a child and dumb but my pain is my muse
    and the scary part bout it is I'm young and confused

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    1990lh commented on Bustin Loose


    love this poem full of emotion nice joob wit this one

    Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Prophecy’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Hope 2
    Fallen 2
    I come to you.... 1
    submit and let go 1
    Luminance (mislead and lost) 0
    A Simple Look 1
    Jinxed 1
    Hush 0
    Bustin Loose 1