

  • Religion
    • Prophecy
    • is writing a book..lol...title is undiscolsed until i get it patented


    Thrash me deep into the sea of confusement
    with no boat, sharks out to get me so upward I thrust
    my pain is my muse and only amusement
    left deep in the valley with no one to trust

    Can I be saved or is this my fate
    I kick and push up and try to get out, but
    my hearts to heavy filled with vengeance and doubt
    and I have no faith and my minds consumed with doubt

    but until I drown I won't give in
    deep out in the ocean and running out of hope
    and I still bow my head for forgiveness to sin
    I look out and spot a small rope

    Its shot and seems to be useless
    but anything else is out of my reach
    I guess my only choice is to use this
    myself I believe and to God I beseech

    so thrash me deep into the sea of confusement
    with no boat, sharks out to get me still upward I trust
    my pain is my muse and my only amusement
    but I got god, and I'm alone so who else can I trust

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    1990lh commented on Hope


    a very deep and powerful poem i really like. keep shakin ya haters off

    prophesy commented on Hope


    continue to write yourself into exsisting, you are the princess of prophecy.(continued blessings/the prophet

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    Prophecy’s Poems (9)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Hope 2
    Fallen 2
    I come to you.... 1
    submit and let go 1
    Luminance (mislead and lost) 0
    A Simple Look 1
    Jinxed 1
    Hush 0
    Bustin Loose 1