

  • Love

    Poem Commentary

    A Valentine gift from one lover to another in the form of a poem.


    The whole is always greater than the sum of its parts

    My love is a living testament that we will never all apart


    Conjoined by a similar path what would define our fate

    A vision of love is what I remember on our first date


    To muster up the courage of caressing your lips

    The passion of two souls magnified by your kiss


    One day you will realize how much I care for you

    Unless you leave me sitting in the dark singing the blues


    Crying late at night contemplating on suicide

    But I fail to remember who has always been by my side


    Coming to grips with my past has never been easy

    Thank you for being my friend, especially when I need thee


    What does not kill you only makes you stronger

    Allow your arms to be my protection a little longer


    Though at times I exhaust all hope when I decide to terminate our discourse

    Never waver in times of tears trickling down your cheek my horse


    Although I’m not the prefect man I hope I’m the man perfect to fit a queen

    The one and only love also known as the most beautiful girl I have ever seen


    Please forgive me for my selfishness that consumes my empty heart

    Let’s stay together until death do us part


    Who would have known that almost two years later we would be together

    Being constantly reminded from our peers if in fact this is forever


    My father once told me that the truth is within our own conscience

    So for us to part ways is complete nonsense


    Dear God I may be wrong to question the power of prayer

    But if my love and I remain together then it’s more than a game of truth or dare


    Hold me and never let me go into the wilderness alone

    Let’s turn a house into a happy home


    A mutt or two may be the proper ingredient to the recipe

    But of course nothing will compare to you lying next to me

    At times I admit I feel hopeless and uncertain of what the future lies

    To me there is you and nobody else and I mean that to the day I die


    Be my bullet proof vest that secures me from all social unrest

    The safe haven of my life when there is no direction in sight


    The occipital component which can see all of me and you know it

    The voice of reason when one decides to turn to God during the four seasons


    The sunshine of my life that with ever smile lights up an image of my future wife

    The cornerstone of my own existence is forever etched in my heart

    Together nobody can stop us because you and I are a work of art


    When times get hard always remember you will never be replaced

    Because a jewel is always very hard to misplace


    People come and go but there are those who will never be forgotten

    The apple never falls far from the tree hopefully it is not rotten


    If a picture is worth a thousand words then one word comes to mind

    A beautiful symphony of endless love is very hard to find


    In retrospect you told me you prayed to God to show you what love is like

    Now tell me is it everything you dreamt of or should I just take a hike?


    Despite the flaws I embody there is absolutely nobody who accepts me like you do

    Through good and bad, rough and sad there is no one I would rather have

    When times and hairs are gray I know my girl will only be a step away


    It’s the days that seem very uncertain when you see the person for what their worth

    So for all the times you said money would change me you may have to wait for a rebirth


    If throughout this poem it helped you get through the day

    I feel blessed to say that my words did not leave you in disarray


    Finding comfort in my words is just a matter of time

    Until one day you can look me in my face and see your valentine


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    PoetChik commented on "Valentine"


    It's so sweet! Now who can turn you down after words as beautiful as these?! I really enjoyed it..



    I'm happy to hear you enjoyed it! Now is my turn to enjoy your poems, lol.

    jademelissa74 commented on "Valentine"


    Ahhh, so refreshing to read and hear the love's music that your piece emmits! What a wonderfully written poem you have manage to create. Although long, the reading time is the least bit uncomfortable. I wanted to hear more and more :)) Great Job!



    Thank you for your perspective I hope to hear more of your work also. Sorry about the length sometimes it's not even me who writes but inspiration takes over.

    Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

    Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

    hbenitez’s Poems (14)

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    "Valentine" 2
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