“Tears of a Clown”


Poem Commentary

The poem illustrates that clowns do cry and feel pain when a signficant other would rather argue and fight then make peace.

“Tears of a Clown”

To indulge in frivolous acts of immaturity appears to be a repetitive habit

The celestial light signaling the northern star leads me to my roger rabbit


From all corners of the world and the occupation of the seven seas

The honey that remains in the comb is from my only bumble bee


As sweet as sugar and as spicy as a Mexican dish

To be in your presence will be my only wish


Although you may ponder on why at times I may feel down

It’s a living testament from tears of a clown


Would you dance in the rain without an umbrella?

Or wait in the ball with no shoe like Cinderella?


Whichever you choose is alright with me

Together forever until eternity


So as seconds turn to minutes and minutes turn to hours

How can you be pleased with the days you just devoured?


Would it make a difference that I thought of you?

And have a similar affect of saying I love who?


If there is anyone out there who feels the same as I do

Turn to your lover and tell them, “I love you”


Now and forever through good and bad

Happy and sad is the reason why I’m so glad


The pendulum of love is always on our side

Rest assure breathtaking euphoria right before I sigh


Your eyes are the windows that occupy a happy home

Your smile is the door which signals you would never leave me alone


Your breasts are my pillows once I decide to call it a night

Your behind are the mountains that are out of sight


Together forever as in the proverbial of the two birds that flocked whenever

Searching for peace in a world full of stormy weathers




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jademelissa74 commented on “Tears of a Clown”


The emotions deciphered into this piece of work are vivid. You manage to reach the reader. You have taken me through a journey, full of infinite love! An amazing portrayal between two lovers!



All you need is love! I just hope it permeates all over the world. Thank you for your feedback it really means a lot.

ladypoet commented on “Tears of a Clown”


Definately loving this piece sweetie. it has a very rich and genuine message to it. I really like it, this one is one for the lovers. Very detailed, and a good sense of direction towards it. Good look God bless -Lady P.



Lady poet you are an inspiration to us all and with time love wil grow b/c of the words that permeate from you.

If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

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