Tison’s Profile

is listening to music hoping it can help the bordom

  • Age: 35
  • Location: Boston, MA
  • Gender: Female
  • Country: United States
  • Public Profile URL:


For the past five or six years I've kept my poems private; it was like a journal to me but now I am comfortable in sharing my thoughts. Hope you enjoy, rate, and comment what you read.


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Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

Tison’s Poems (27)

Title Comments
Title Comments
For Old Times Sake 0
Falling Behind 0
Only To Be Lost Inside 2
No Turning Back 1
Malice's Obsession -3
Inside 1
Guilty 3
Green Grass 2
Good-Bye 0
Eternal 1
Completeness 0
Calamity 0
Calamity 0
No Better Than I 0
He's Not Telling Me 2
For the Courage and for the Brave 0
Crown of Thorns 0
Temporary 2
White Locus 0
Warrior 0
Smiles Strangle Me 0
For You 3
To You I am 1
Where I Stand 0
Miserable 2
Lasting Moments 0
Bad Habits 3