Infect’s Profile

Finding my wings. Be they of feather or leather, I shall wear them with pride, for they are my own..

  • Age: 44
  • Location: Salem, MO
  • Gender: Male
  • Country: US
  • Public Profile URL:


Born by none and derived by all, something real, something false.
With a wing in the grace of gods, the other dipped in blood,
I wander the valley of the meek....

Mostly infected with the mental impregnated rebellion of a revealed society. Knowing the colors in their spectacular light, I wade instead through the monochromatic waves of the on going machine we refer to as life. This is no trip of pity, never fear that. My presence here is not to infect you, but rather to be infected by you.. Read if you must, but tread carefully friend. Shadows lay within, cast upon silk fabrics by the nicotine glow of an infected moon..


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If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

Infect’s Poems (28)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Digging it 0
Distance eternal 4
Monster versus memory 2
Rebel 3
Pale stars 3
Two Hearts 1
Made of 1
Blood on the moon 2
Rivals 4
The dark of your abscence 0
Your mountain 4
That feeling 1
Storm of daybreak 0
A dream of mercy 0
Contagious ramble 1
Land of the heart 3
Recieving the given 1
In between 3
Rant of the long hair 2
Senses 2
Loss of sight 0
logic in light 0
Fragment of a southern man 3
Molly Cantranks 4
Small Windows 5
Into life 2
Seperate ways 4
A scene from the street 6