Our Magical Look


Our Magical Look

Ever had that one magical look

Where the world around you feels like it stops?

The night I met you, I felt it happen.

Our eyes met each other

the music stopped,

people passing didn’t matter,

Unspoken words we shared

distance that we had between us

seemed as just a step away

Things felt right

I know that you felt it too

could you hear my thoughts?


Thoughts of wanting to be warmly embraced by your arms

to be kissed by your lips

I wanted to be the one standing next you

Could you feel it too?


As we shared that magical look

a moment frozen in time

One that I will never forget

As if you were holding my hand

and holding me close

Asking me with unspoken words

to be forever yours!

A desirable passion

We share in our hearts

as if it we were meant to be.

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am2anangel commented on Our Magical Look


loved this write so full of passion and longing. The dream of sharing that one magical look. filled me with the hope of one day experiencing this moment. well done. -Tonya

Poetry comes nearer to vital truth than history.

Plato (BC 427-BC 347) Greek philosopher.

Anne’s Poems (16)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Short and Sweet 0
Hurt and Now Alone 0
Cherish Moments 0
Letting you go... 0
Our Magical Look 1
Locked in a cage ‘till dark 1
Missing Home 0
"A Chance to Dance" 0
"A moment in time held in my heart " 0
“The Day I Met You” 0
“Hopes” 0
Wedding thoughts 0
My Love Long Ago 0
Through all the hurt 0
Hear my cries! 0