Locked in a cage ‘till dark


Locked in a cage ‘till dark

I sit in a room with two small windows

The sunlight barely seeps through

I sit in a black dull chair that faces the wall

It’s dark and stacks of white paper fill the room

I feel as if I am enclosed with bars

As I hear the door slam shut

I feel enclosed with no where to run coldness fills the room

Time passes by, as I listen to the ticking of the clock


Going crazy as it turns morning to evening…

Light is getting dim as the light starts to turn from gold to blue

I think I might be getting out soon… oooh can this be true?

It’s almost time, people passing by I can hear them they are loud

As the door opens slowly and a whisper I hear it’s time to go home!

I sprang from my chair, grabbing my stuff I ran out the door…

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am2anangel commented on Locked in a cage ‘till dark


you have quite the knack of bringing your reader into your poem so that they can almost feel touch and smell the experience well done. -Tonya



Thank you!

Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

Anne’s Poems (16)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Short and Sweet 0
Hurt and Now Alone 0
Cherish Moments 0
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Our Magical Look 1
Locked in a cage ‘till dark 1
Missing Home 0
"A Chance to Dance" 0
"A moment in time held in my heart " 0
“The Day I Met You” 0
“Hopes” 0
Wedding thoughts 0
My Love Long Ago 0
Through all the hurt 0
Hear my cries! 0