"A Chance to Dance"


Poem Commentary

I thought of our fist time we met and how we danced... and when we danced it seems like there wasn't any one else in the world but us. Like dancing on a cloud in heaven.

"A Chance to Dance"

"A Chance to Dance"

A slow song plays as our journey begins

 May I have this dance?
I’d love to give “us” a chance

To show you a whole new world
‘cause I am no longer that teenage girl

Let me be the one to stand at your side
By faith alone we can dance with pride

God has given us a moment in our life
His love wrapped around us so we’ll never fall in strife

 Listen to the music as we glide across the dance floor
How I want this to last forever more

 Feeling this moment of us together, holding each other
Enjoying the excitement and thrill from one another

 You’re holding me close as we are about to turn, we caught eyes
Catching a glimpse of happiness we close our ties

Our steps are in sync with rhythm
As our song slowly comes to an end
With a twirl and a slow spin

A kiss lightly placed upon my lips
your hands you place upon my hips

Embracing me tightly, I ask for you not to let me go
But I know that we have to take it slow

Our gift to him is our love
Our faith, hope and glory
As this is our testimony

Because he gave us a chance
together knowing he is leading us in our dance.



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When power leads man towards arrogance, poetry reminds him of his limitations. When power narrows the area of man's concern, poetry reminds him of the richness and diversity of existence. When power corrupts, poetry cleanses.

John F. Kennedy (1917-1963) Thirty-fifth President of the USA

Anne’s Poems (16)

Title Comments
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