“The Day I Met You”


“The Day I Met You”

The day I met you…

I didn’t want to let you go that day

It’s been so long since I felt that way

As we hugged I wanted to cry

Tears of happiness were letting me know why

I didn’t want to let you go

It felt so right wouldn’t you know

Seems I’ve fallen in love with you can’t you see

in your arms is where I should be

it’s a weird feeling that I have inside

but just to have you by my side

gives me the reassurance that I need

so deep within your heart I plant a seed

with hopes that within your heart my love may grow

and you will never let me go!

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Poetry is when an emotion has found its thought and the thought has found words.

Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

Anne’s Poems (16)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Short and Sweet 0
Hurt and Now Alone 0
Cherish Moments 0
Letting you go... 0
Our Magical Look 1
Locked in a cage ‘till dark 1
Missing Home 0
"A Chance to Dance" 0
"A moment in time held in my heart " 0
“The Day I Met You” 0
“Hopes” 0
Wedding thoughts 0
My Love Long Ago 0
Through all the hurt 0
Hear my cries! 0