My Love Long Ago


  • Lost Love

    My Love Long Ago


    Why after all these years you tell me that it was more?

    You should have told me that you loved me before.


    Holding my pillow many of nights I did cry

    I understand that time has passed us by


    Many years of being beaten down

    Upon my face I carried a frown


    I wish I could turn back the hands of time

    Frozen in time, I would make you mine.


    Giving us the chance to be together

    Because it could have lasted forever


    Why after all these years you tell me that it was more?

    You should have told me that you loved me before.


    My heart would have never been broken apart

    If you would of kept my heart from the start…


    Our love would be pure, rich and true

    Because I would have always been true to you


    To love you until the end of days

    I could have shown you my love in so many ways.


    Why after all these years you tell me that it was more?

    You should have told me that you loved me before.





    May 29, 2009

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    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

    Anne’s Poems (16)

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