My Light


  • Family

    My Light

    When all seems dark You are my light
    When the stars do not shine
    You guide me through the night
    From the time that your life
    Began growing in me
    My future became brighter
    Because I knew you would be
    Everything I needed
    In life to succeed
    And I knew I could be
    Everything you would ever need
    I would protect and provide as best I can
    I would try with all in me With out the help of a man
    So when the light begins to fade
    I look in you for new light
    You are the beginning and the end Of my once meaningless life
    So for you I will make it through This dark night

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    Poetry is what is lost in translation.

    Robert Frost (1875-1963) American Poet.

    Free2beme’s Poems (14)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Imperfect Love 0
    Yea I said It 1
    The Past,,, 0
    2 his Ex 0
    Why I Write... 0
    A Smoka 0
    When 0
    The End 0
    My Light 0
    Drifting 0
    My mistake 0
    Thinking Of Us 0
    He is Music 1
    I'm here... 2