2 his Ex


  • Anger

    2 his Ex

    you can fill my space
    But never take my place
    that void in his heart
    will remain in my absence
    I'm his love drug
    He cant get enough of
    constantly relapsing
    my essence keep em relaxing
    open to my command
    forget to mention he's MY man
    you only wish
    and dream of him
    touched him once
    but was dreaming then
    only lasted for a while
    he liked my frame
    and loved my style
    not high maintenance
    or low class
    just right
    thoughts of me
    drive him wild
    he missed my kiss
    risky business
    longing love
    tangled hugs
    with me not you
    just wish you was
    what your not
    In my spot
    in hell I'll rot
    b4 u get it

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    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    Free2beme’s Poems (14)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Imperfect Love 0
    Yea I said It 1
    The Past,,, 0
    2 his Ex 0
    Why I Write... 0
    A Smoka 0
    When 0
    The End 0
    My Light 0
    Drifting 0
    My mistake 0
    Thinking Of Us 0
    He is Music 1
    I'm here... 2