Imperfect Love


  • Love

    Imperfect Love

    We can't help who we love
    They can be broke
    or addicted to drugs
    abusive, promiscuous
    shallow, and emotionless
    Yet we melt at the thought of their kiss
    Tremble when we remember
    The pain mixed with pleasure
    rain slightly sun kissed
    blanketing your heart
    Like A warm mist
    Forcing you to think of them
    When you only want to forget
    That first day that you met
    The one you said good bye
    The highs the lows
    The tears cried alone
    The fussing the fighting
    Hanging up the phone
    Other woman
    another man
    Wanting to get past it
    But just don't think you can
    Your mind said run
    So you ran
    Only to find you'd come full circle
    Back where you started
    Only a little stronger
    A little smarter, a little wise
    Filled with faith
    And what it takes
    To complete For Ever
    With YOUR perfect imperfection .

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    Poetry is not an expression of the party line. It's that time of night, lying in bed, thinking what you really think, making the private world public, that's what the poet does.

    Allen Ginsberg (1926-1997) U.S. poet.

    Free2beme’s Poems (14)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    Imperfect Love 0
    Yea I said It 1
    The Past,,, 0
    2 his Ex 0
    Why I Write... 0
    A Smoka 0
    When 0
    The End 0
    My Light 0
    Drifting 0
    My mistake 0
    Thinking Of Us 0
    He is Music 1
    I'm here... 2