My Current Affair


My Current Affair



 My Current Affair


The wind teases the chimes, they laugh a pretty melody

The tree tops wave to the clouds…

The leaves whisper summer gossip..

Playfully tender, the sun peeks out

 And the shadows dance to the music

The flowers curtsy and bow

Wisps of hair tickle my face, soft like the wings of a butterfly

Hello my friend

My current of air

My breeze

I hope you stay awhile…




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BlackButterfly1 commented on My Current Affair


What a lovely poem! I love the way you bring nature to life, giving them gestures..... personification is what it's called. :-)

freind commented on My Current Affair


i think we are one with ourself? this 2 is another good write. just started you check you out. good writing keep up the good work.



Thanks again, I will pop over and check you out too...luvz~

Helios commented on My Current Affair


Truely a naturistic view that is peaceful and ever so mellow. It remines me of the first few lines of "Lucy in the Sky With Diamonds" by the Beatles. [laugh]



Mellow.. I love that word! Spanx you!!

dragonfly1023 commented on My Current Affair


ahhhhhh. a moment of Zen at one with nature :D once again I love the visuals you create "And the shadows dance to the music, The flowers curtsy and bow" great imagination here Katylove.



Thanks again Dfly! Just telling it like I see it... luvz~

purpleswan commented on My Current Affair


What a lovely expression of the beauty of the season. It felt as if the season was changing even as I read. Yet lingering lazily through the day. Very very lovely.



Thank you PurpleSwan.. very much~ =)

The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

Katylove’s Poems (16)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Avis' Tulip 1
I Choose Not to Listen 2
Sleep Now 10
Sgt. FUCK 9
Night Scene 6
Barbecue this 6
My Lovely 8
I Can Hear You Breathe 4
My Current Affair 9
Tryptosalad 2
uncomplicated 5
oh you tee~ 7
Jump Already! 4
Faraway 8
See You See Me 8
My Privacy 15