Goodbye dear friend For now it is hello


  • Friendship

    Goodbye dear friend For now it is hello

    What does the future hold?
    How can we be so sure its strong and bold?
    Keeping our heads held high
    That maybe one day
    We'll meet up in that great big sky

    My friend took her life
    Because no one else saw
    That her suffering was something different
    So secret and protected with a wall

    In her room she sat so still
    Took her life
    Used all her will
    Left me a note
    A note so torn

    It went on like this
    the story of mourn

    My Dear friend,
    I write you this letter
    For it's the last one i'll ever write
    I'm telling you i'm sorry
    For taking my life

    You were the best a friend I ever had
    You helped me through a lot
    When everything made me sad
    Tell my mom and my dad
    That it wasn't their fault

    I love you dear friend
    goodbye and do well
    for this old friend is going to hell

    Now heres a letter I wrote to her
    Incase one day she might return

    Dear friend,
    You left me so cold and alone
    You left me half when I use to be whole
    I walk the halls as dead as a nail
    In hopes that maybe we'll meet in hell

    My english teacher says you go to heaven
    That god forgives all
    But maybe he wont forgive me
    For jumping off that 50 foot wall

    I couldn't stand life without you
    It was way to hard..
    Either way I got you back
    That 50 foot wall
    It was a long fall

    I didn't feel no pain
    It eased the suffering
    See you soon

    Goodbye dear friend
    For now it is hello


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    kayjill commented on Goodbye dear friend For now it is hello


    WOW!!! very powerful writing. keep up the good work

    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    DarkPoet17’s Poems (17)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    To whom it concerns 1
    Hoping he would see 3
    I just couldn't believe 2
    Please let me be free 1
    You'll never change 2
    Look in my eyes 1
    You promised (for Jordan G.) 0
    Be who you are 0
    All alone to cry 2
    A birthday tragedy 2
    I miss what we use to be 2
    Why didn't you want me? 1
    Why couldn't I just tell him? 1
    Goodbye dear friend For now it is hello 1
    Get what i'm talking about yet? 2
    The Memories you kept 2
    When your love turns into hate 2