First Time Buyers


  • America

    First Time Buyers

    He is in the office
    We may wait without...
    And wait we shall
    For some sullen bean counter
    Reporting our misfortune
    Much to one's chagrin
    The policy of fairness
    Across the board, no doubt
    No less they never make mistakes
    Policy decisions notwithstanding
    This is never easy...
    And we regret to inform
    Our sad duty to scrutinize
    Has rendered your inelligibility
    On a scale too callous to calculate
    Again, allow them to reiterate,
    The contract clearly stated
    Did not hesitate,
    Yours is ours
    To liquidate. 

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    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    AdelKernan’s Poems (25)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    First Time Buyers 0
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    Regarding Recent Instabilitiy 0
    The New Year's Eve Drug 1
    Scarred for Life, Triumphant. 0
    Unweighted 0
    The End of Events 3
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    Devaluated Stones 0
    Retired Activist 0
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    Comprehension Test 7
    Regret Reflected 2
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    Going Away From Down 2
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    Cryptic Instructions 1968 3
    Semi-Precious 1
    Scratched In This Wall 1
    You and I Strolling Last Sunday 1