

  • Media


    Officials told executives today:
    Further regulation may be required
    Pending catastrophic implosions
    And deconstructed monuments
    Thousands gathered quietly
    Of one mind and opinion commisioned
    Any medium of transmission
    Static jams the telegrams

    The monolith of disinterest
    Rest upon the pillowed lies
    Pilloried and circumsized
    A mutiny of eunuchs prophesied
    Drops these taped fist bandages
    To managed message calculate

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    To have great poets there must be great audiences too.

    Walt Whitman, American Poet (1819-1892)

    AdelKernan’s Poems (25)

    Title Comments
    Title Comments
    First Time Buyers 0
    Lord of Worlds 0
    Regarding Recent Instabilitiy 0
    The New Year's Eve Drug 1
    Scarred for Life, Triumphant. 0
    Unweighted 0
    The End of Events 3
    Sweetest Revenge Politics 0
    Creating Controls 4
    Headlines 0
    The Book of Lost Thieves 2
    Devaluated Stones 0
    Retired Activist 0
    The Garden of Grief and Toil 4
    A Longstanding Compromise 1
    Comprehension Test 7
    Regret Reflected 2
    Forced Entry 3
    Going Away From Down 2
    Faithful Lilting Melody 2
    Antique Brass 0
    Cryptic Instructions 1968 3
    Semi-Precious 1
    Scratched In This Wall 1
    You and I Strolling Last Sunday 1