normroxursox’s Profile

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  • Country: US
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The true philosopher and the true poet are one, and a beauty, which is truth, and a truth, which is beauty, is the aim of both.

Ralph Waldo Emerson, American Poet (1803-1882)

normroxursox’s Poems (38)

Title Comments
Title Comments
Mirror Image 0
Drifting 0
Blinded 1
Facing Fear 0
For My Best Friend 2
Fragile 0
Living 0
My World's Wonders 0
Remember His Name 0
Lullaby 0
A Bitter Rivalry 1
Long Awaited 0
Never Rains But It Pours 2
So Far 1
Disappear 1
Nothing Comes To Mind 1
A Girl Named Sophie 1
Let You Down 1
Mind's Eye 1
Stages 1
Whisper Your Name 1
In Those Days 0
Tales of Sleepless Nights 1
Scared Senseless 0
Milestones 0
Guidance 0
Share In Listening 0
Tortured Wonders 0
Imaginary Friend 1
Honeymoon Cabin 0
You Are All I Need 0
Unsure 0
Interpreting Music 1
Good Times 0
Solitarily Dancing 0
Between Man and Nation 0
Talking To Me 0
After A Yawn 0