Tortured Wonders


  • Confusion

    Poem Commentary

    Something I wrote when I was 13 or so... HAH

    Tortured Wonders

    Tortured Wonders

    All these years I was in pain

    Trying to understand the complexity of a single grain.

    Trying to comprehend the wonders of my brain…

    I might as well be a prawn

    Cause I’ve got no idea what’s going on.

    There are some things in life not meant to be understood,

    And that I understand.

    But I don’t feel like I should

    Cause my mind is just so bland.

    I’ve given myself the nick-name dud

    Cause I think I lost my brain somewhere in the mud.

    It’s hard living life in wonder…

    Makes me scared like when I’m hearing thunder.

    I might as well be a speck of dust,

    Cause that is all the brain matter I still contain.

    My thoughts lie where they must…

    In the secret spot of my brain’s domain.

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    If I feel physically as if the top of my head were taken off, I know that is poetry.

    Emily Dickinson (1830-1886) American poet.

    normroxursox’s Poems (38)

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