Chieft Kowachki and Clever Machoka


  • Philosophy

    Chieft Kowachki and Clever Machoka

    Chief Kowachki traveled far-
    the call of distant waters-
    call of the blue still waters
    of the Kahki waters,
    drew him forth.

    Young and brash
    the warrior strode
    through the woods
    of cunning fox.
    Foolish warrior
    that he was,
    challenged Machoka-
    cunning fox Machoka
    walking within his steps.
    And so it was
    Chief Kowachki-
    foolish warrior,
    lost his way.

    For Machoka
    led him far
    by wit and guile-
    foolish, foolish
    Chief Kowachki
    became lost,
    much to Machoka's delight.

    "Chief Kowachki,
    listen well-
    your challenge to me
    has been lost.
    If you wish to find the path
    that leads to blue waters-
    clear blue waters,
    in return a gift perhaps.

    From this day forth,
    your tribe will honor my people,
    protect my people
    from harm's way.
    This is the pact
    that must be taken-
    if you wish my help."

    "It is done,"
    Chief Kowachki
    gave his word
    to Machoka.
    "Turn around my friend
    and look behind you,
    look to clear blue waters
    that call,
    you were here
    all along."

    Poem Comments


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    teasasue commented on Chieft Kowachki and Clever Machoka


    wow, this was awesome, I felt like I was wandering around with them, great peom good job

    Smiley24 commented on Chieft Kowachki and Clever Machoka


    Deeply writtin, their is alot of thought and feeling put into this poem and only a native american indian would trully know the feeling behind this.

    Vincent commented on Chieft Kowachki and Clever Machoka


    A very interesting write. I enjoyed the story. smiles Vincent

    DeepEclipse commented on Chieft Kowachki and Clever Machoka


    Twisted his mind. Power comes in many forms. The mind holds many secrets......and as it seems.....deceptions. Machoka....a clever manuverer indeed. Enjoyed the read.

    Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.

    Aristotle (384 BC-322 BC) Greek philosopher.

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